CasinoBeats Mads Jørgensen Interview

Lady Luck Games: nothing in this industry is easy anymore, the competition is intense

“I’m really confident we’ll quickly enjoy real synergies and cross-sell opportunities following the acquisition” confidently asserts Mads Jørgensen, Lady Luck Games co-founder and chief executive when quizzed by CasinoBeats on the studio’s recent Spigo transaction.

The “strategic acquisition” of the supplier’s operations in Denmark was hailed by Spigo as representing a “perfect match,” with the firm subsequently concluding a long search for a partner to take it “to the next level”.

The deal includes 27 of Spigo’s casino games and eight customer integrations, including two with Danske Spil’s Spillehjørnet and Tivoli Casino brands.

“Spigo’s B2B assets give us instant access to a much wider portfolio of games, customers, and offerings. It’s also an important new revenue source for us. Last, but very much not least, we have inherited some really good people,” Jørgensen comments regarding the purchase.

“Spigo has eight very interesting customer integrations, with Danske Spil being the biggest and best-known. There are also 27 casual casino games, a category that we might not necessarily have developed ourselves.

“Then there’s the Denmark-certified content aggregation platform that allows us to deploy both single-player and multiplayer games with jackpots. Content aggregation is a totally new option for Lady Luck Games.”


And with a new avenue opened up to the group, a fresh array of opportunities and challenges could potentially lie on the horizon for a group keen to explore the global potential presented to its fullest extent.

In recent times many smaller studios have thrown in their lot with aggregators, however, Jørgensen continues by assessing if this is still considered as the main form of access to the market.

“The truth is, as a smaller player, in particular, you need to provide either a very big portfolio or something totally unique to be able to access the market with direct integrations,” he notes.

“The aggregators are powerful because they can offer studios a large number of integrations in one go, and usually provide a lot of support besides things like licenses and certifications.

“Of course, with our acquisition, we have taken an important step to balance this in the future. We are not just a provider now but an aggregator.”

With this in mind, the discussion proceeds by taking a look at the potential of achieving true differentiation amid the relentless wave of fresh content emanating from a seemingly never-ending number of Igaming studios.

Subsequently, Jørgensen takes a look at how easy it is to make your way in the industry with so much competition from other better-established content creators, with a distinct slant offered to examine the challenges concerned with ensuring games are distinctive.


“Nothing in this industry is easy anymore! The competition is intense and there are numerous good providers and game studios out there,” he says.

“Not only do you need good games, but you also need distribution power. Total control over your certifications and compliance is more and more important too. We have invested heavily in Lady Luck and we now feel that we have the bark and the bite.

“Our co-founder, Rasmus Guldbjerg-Kjær, is one of the computer gaming industry’s most celebrated art directors, having created the mega-blockbuster Hitman.

“Teaming him up with a number of other industry veterans in math and game programming has given us a portfolio of games with a super high standard of graphics.

“They just work very well and, most importantly, entertain our customers. As we say at lady Luck: Our games give your break superior life.”

To conclude, Jørgensen looks at what the future holds for the new joint enterprise, as well as where he expects to be as a company by this time next year: “As we’re a listed company we have to be very careful about giving out too many forecasts or estimates about the future.

“But we’re very excited about the number of products we have in development and the opportunity presented by this acquisition of Spigo. We’re following the plan we have communicated and we’re confident this will allow us to execute our goals as a company.”
